Posts Tagged ‘Marketing’

Senate for fourth time rejects House anti-Obamacare provisions

A stalemate in Congress that caused a government shutdown on Tuesday continued with Senate Democrats voting for a fourth time to reject a spending plan by House Republicans that sought to undermine Obamacare. FULL STORY | LIVE BLOG | 7 things you won’t have to worry about | What’s open, what’s closed | What happens next? | Boehner blames Senate  Video | Tea party reaction  Video | Congress sinks to all-time low in CNN polling


Source CNN – By Holly Yan and Tom Cohen, CNN

In this new Substance interview: Storytelling: Past, Present and Future, I share an intimate conversation with Shel Israel, a global speaker, columnist, and co-author with Robert Scoble of the upcoming book, “The Age of Context” .

On this episode, Shel and I discuss where technology is heading, global neighborhoods and how proximity is shifting, how public relations has shifted into this new media age, and his views on the “Age of Context,” from his soon to be released book with Robert Scoble (who I had the pleasure of interviewing on the last Substance episode).

Shel will be keynoting at C2SV: Creative Convergence Silicon Valley conference ( in September. Shel welcomes technologists and marketers in the Bay Area to join him at this inaugural conference the San Jose Silicon Valley Business Journal has dubbed “Silicon Valley’s answer to SXSW.”

Source Link:

Storytelling: Past, Present and Future with Shel Israel.


Rasmus Møller Sørensen, Senior Consultant at Designit  :Apps as a marketing tool from Designit on Vimeo.